The Munda Biddi Trail is a purpose-built track for mountain bikes starting near Perth in Western Australia. It starts at Mundaring to the east of Perth, and finishes at Albany in the south – a distance of 1,000km. For more information, visit the Munda Biddi Foundation’s website.
I urge everybody who uses the trail to become members of the Foundation (which is free) because large numbers of members and users is fundamental to the Foundation raising money to enable the trail to be maintained. Even better still, become a volunteer in any number of capacities. I am a Trail Maintenance Volunteer and have a 13km section of the trail in the Perth hills that I maintain.
Get routable Munda Biddi maps for your Garmin GPS from
This page is mainly a collection of GPS information gathered for, and from, my rides on the Munda Biddi.
Click here for a summary of the rides I have done plus GPS waypoint and route files. The details include total height climbed, distance spent climbing etc, which may give you some idea of the relative difficulty of the sections. As far as comparing the average riding speeds, I get passed by many more cyclists on the bike paths around Perth than I pass!
After many years of short rides, I finally completed riding the Munda Biddi from end-to-end, and got my certificate.