Willetton Weather
Temp: 18.4°C Feels like: 18.4 Trend over last hour: -0.5
Humidity: 56 %
Wind: 14.1 km/h from SSW (gusting to 27.3 km/h)
Barometer: 1012.2 hPa and Rising
Today: Max: 26.1°C at 9:44 AM
Min: 18.4°C at 8:36 PM
Rain: 0.2 mm
Wind Run: 312.03 km
Barom max: 1012.3 hPa hPa at 8:57 PM
Barom min: 1004.6 hPa hPa at 2:54 AM
Yesterday: Max 29.6 °C at 2:59 PM
Min: 20.2 °C at 3:28 AM
Rain: 0.0 mm
Wind Run: 190.67 km
Barom max: 1006.0 hPa hPa at 10:00 AM
Barom min: 1003.0 hPa hPa at 1:45 AM
Report produced at 9:00 PM 11/2/2025
Next update due: 9:05 pm